Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Im tired. Physically, mentally, spiritually. I know God has a plan and I pray and seek. I must be missing something.
Living in the "uknown" of where our HOUSE will be is suffocating. But, knowing God has a plan for our HOME our family and or every need is such a huge part of how I live day by day.
Sometimes it is too overwhelming and I want to run away. Leave the past and begin again. But, God wants me to trust, believe and have faith that His plan is better and greater then I can ever imagine.
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust thee! (or do I?) have you ever thought about how God must feel when he sees His children, His precious children, suffering, lying or just giving up and walking away.
I want to walk with pride and people to see and KNOW why my life is different. Because of Jesus!!
I do not condone gay marriage, Gay relationships and I dont condone racism for people who are red, yellow, black or white or anything inbetween.
I trust God knows why He states in The Holy Bible, that a marriage is between a man and women and why He said love thy neighbor as thy self.
I dont believe that everything happens for a reason or that we were born without a choice. We have two choices in life. Two.
One, to believe in Jesus Christ, ask His forgiveness for our sins and accept His forgiveness as a FREE GIFT TO ALL MAN KIND. Or accept the lies and fake pleasure of what the devil has to offer. Its fun. Its exciting. But, he is here to deceive and condem to hell those who follow Him.

I choose JESUS. I choose to live a ratical life on fire for my Savior. The one who heals, restores and brings LIFE to those who ask.
Im tired of being a Christian. Im now proclaiming I am not a Christian. I am a Jesus lover, Jesus follower and I will persue HIM until I am HOME. Heaven is my HOME.

Call me whatever you want. No matter what you choose or believe, I choose to love YOU. Because God called me to do so. But, this does not mean I have to love your lifestyle. It doesn't mean I have to choose to walk on egg shells in fear of what may happen when I say I will not stand for gay marriages or rights. Or stand for people who are racist. I will stand up for what I believe and I will lay down my life for Jesus. So hear me friends, you may be mad. You may "unfriend" me, you may never talk to me again but, know this, when our days end (and they will soon) you will have made your choice. I hope to see you in my forever HOME.

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