Friday, September 4, 2015

Living day to day/!

I am just going to step out and say this has been the worst and BEST month of my life.
First the bad news.
I became manic severely last month.
It scares the crap out of me! I get so hipped up and CLEAN or do anything to help my mind slow down. 
The way my Bipolar/PTSD/Anxiety run, are not the same as someone who has been to war or seen a horrific scene. 
A couple months ago we were doing great, I was in my medication and everything seemed perfect. Then we had a FLEA infestation (along with our neighbors!) so, we talked to Ron and Sherri (Joe's step dad and mom.) and we are paying rent and staying here until we can get some bills paid off. It hasn't been too bad. "yet" ha ha, it is always hard living with family. 
The other bad thing that happened this month is that after the flea infestation, I started to become Manic. Like seriously I could not sleep!!  for almost a week. I told Joe since we couldn't afford the 430 dollar payment for the antidepressant, that I needed to be put inpatient. So, I voluntarily admitted myself to the Red Rock crisis center. I was there almost a week but, I should have stayed longer. My body was ready to go but, I was not on the right medications! 
Now, I sleep a couple hours a night.I went in today and saw my psychologist and he was not my normal doctor. He was RUDE and Pushy and just wanted to get to the next case. Im not going to see him ever again. (he was new there but still rude!!) 
the medication I am on has me getting hallucination, hear voices, stuttering (Like my brain is going 100mph and I can get the words out. I also cant sleep.I am so manic. You have no idea how your body can betray you and everything falls apart.
They BEST new is on August 27th 2015 I gave my life to Jesus. I thought I WAS saved but realized that I gave God only PART of me. Not all of me. So, I prayed and gave Him ALL of me!! 
Praise the name of Jesus!!!
Please pray for the boys as they transition into their new school. so far we are on a great track!!!!
pray for Joe as he has to put up with me and it is hard for me to let him touch me. That has to do with past issues also. 
Thanks for reading and the prayers!!!!